“Everybody can learn Flute.

It’s no magic,

but a specific form of practice. ”

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Explore Our Classes

The world’s best courses for learning flute

Module 01

Super Confused? Let me be your flute coach. From being an engineer to an international flutist, I share with you a complete guide to learn amazing flute, tips, and tricks to master a style, do's and don'ts, and potential pitfalls to avoid.

Module 02

Learning flute from the best, this module will be giving you an understanding and holding all the flute, how to breath modulation and complete tutorial for the individual who like learn flute and aspiring to become a flutist.

Module 03

Module 3 includes everything that you need to know about THAATS. This will help you learn different aspects of flute and all the hidden notes. You'll be introduced to new musical notes, western scales and all ten Thaats. The practice lessons for all ten Thaats are included with practice sheet and rhythm loops to make your practice sessions fun and easier.

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The unique art of playing the flute, mastering techniques, skills and recognizing challenges that you will face, learn with us through info-packed tutorials from basics to mastering flute...

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100 + Songs

Played by Flute

34 Lessons

To Learn Flute

10 Minutes

Average Per Lesson

A Word From Our Customers

The World's largest selection of courses

Doing great job for the young promising ‘FLUTE’ lovers.. Thank u very much Ballu Pa Ji & associates at “BALLU FLUTE. We remain always your big supporters.

Ballu ji when one listens your flute he really goes in some other World where love is spread everywhere.

Waking up to such a beautiful song being played on flute is magical. Makes the day better. Thank you Ballu ji.

Learn anywhere, anytime from the globally acclaimed flute artist.

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